











Survivor Rules-EN

  • Only cannons are valid. Any other objects are forbidden, and spawning any of those objects results in the point being given to the opponent. Spirit (sp) is only valid for propelling yourself as a shaman, not for killing. Sp kill x1 = Point to the opponent.
  • Transparent cannons are valid.
  • Portals aren't valid. Portal x1 = Point to the opponent.
  • Hugging (going too close to the shaman or even touching him) isn't valid. Jumping on/over static cannons put down by the shaman is forbidden and is also considered hugging the shaman, with one exception, which will be presented below this rule. Hug x3 = Point to the opponent.
  • If a shaman comes near a mouse without giving enough space for the mice to dodge combos, the mice can jump on/over the static cannon. It has been discussed how much space should be given, and we have come to the conclusion that an example of bad space is:, while an example of good space is:
  • Cannons linked with any type of anchors are forbidden.
  • Fake (when a shaman starts spawning a cannon, then stops before the cannon is spawned) is not valid. Fake x3 = Point to the opponent. Note: if a shaman stops and waits after he fakes, and, as long as it doesn't affect the mice, the shaman won't get punished.
  • The maximum ping you can have when having a pvp (1v1) or war (2v2 or 3v3) is 330. If a ping higher than 330 is reached during a pvp, the pvp will be stopped and continued at a later time.
  • Instants (cannons being spawned without having charged the whole way when someone is laggy) aren't valid. Instant x3 = Point to the opponent. If an instant kills a player, the round will be restarted with the same shaman, from the same time remaining. If an instant affects a player by making him go on a worse location, the shaman must give the mouse spirits so that he goes back in his previous location. Late cannons (when a laggy cannon charges more than it should and then spawns randomly, surprisingly) aren't valid and everything that was said about instants also applies for late cannons.
  • All ranked pvp's/wars must have at least one judge (either one of the official judges, or someone put in charge of supervising a pvp by an official judge).
  • If a judge dies when there are more than 20 seconds left, the shaman can either choose to continue the round until is finished or stop at the moment when the judge died. If the mouse survived, the round will be repeated with the same shaman, from the same time remaining (if the shaman stopped previously) or with -20 seconds from the previous time remaining (if the shaman continued attacking until the round ended).
  • Valid programs: Hotkeys, Mouse Pointer
  • Forbidden programs: Hack (leve, rato agil etc.) and anything else not related to Atelier801 that would make a player's performance better. Hack x1 = Loss of the match instantly.
  • Lagging your connection intentionally and using bugs (for example the Ctrl+C and clicking on X bug) are forbidden. Bug x1 = Point to the Opponent
  • Camp WJ (wall-jumping for more than 4 seconds) is forbidden. Unless the shaman doesn't stop attacking the place you are wall-jumping at, wall-jumping more than 4 seconds results in the point being given to the opponent. All that has been said about Camp WJ only refers to wall-jumping on the outer side of grounds, where the shaman can't attack. Wall-jumping on the interior side of grounds, where the shaman can attack, is completely fine.
  • Meep is forbidden. Meep x1 = Point to the opponent.
  • Cannons linked with nails (any type of nail) are forbidden. Nailed Cannons x1 = Point to the opponent.
  • Most of the skills are valid. Skills that are not valid: Teleporter, Ancestral Spirit, Apple, Cloud, Clean Mouse (in 2v2's or 3v3's), Sheep, Earth Symbol, Spidermouse, Go Through There!, Meep !, Landslide, Antigravity, Mad Scientist, Graviational Anomaly, Handymouse, Controlled Disintegration (in 2v2's or 3v3's), S.
  • Apart these rules that the players must obey, other stuff about how the pvp's/wars work: Pvp is a 1v1 battle in survivor between 2 players. They are played in a private room with only the 2 players and usually a judge. A point is given each round to one of the two players; if the shaman kills the mouse, it's the shaman's point. If the mouse survives the entire round, it's the mouse's point. Note that the mouse can suicide if the shaman has died. Note #2: if the shaman kills himself and the mouse with the same cannon, the point is given to the shaman, while if the shaman kills himself with a cannon and then another cannon kills a mouse, it's the mouse's point. First player to reach 10 points is the winner of the pvp. War is a 2v2 or 3v3 battle in survivor between 4, respectively 6 players. They are played in a private room with the 4/6 players (and a judge, if the war is a ranked war between tribes). What else was said about Pvp's also applies to wars, except the number of points that has to be reached first for a team to win is 15. Also, for your general knowledge, wars are eitherfriendlyorserious(wars between tribes - tribewars, and competition wars).
  • Custom cannons are forbidden (no exception).
  • If a player disconnects or leaves the room during a pvp or war, he has to come back and continue the pvp. If the player is online and doesn't want to continue the pvp, he loses the pvp automatically. There is no time limit that you can be disconnected for, as we decided to remove the ''come back within 10 minutes or you lose rule'' because it would be unfair for a player to lose if his internet is down. If a player disconnects during a friendly war, the team that lacks one player must find a replacement within a certain amount of time (usually not something that is pre-set, the opponent team will give a time limit - at least 5 minutes). If a player disconnects during a tribe war, the team that lacks one player must find a player that is from their tribe as replacement. If a player disconnects during a competition war between set teams, replacements can't be done; the player has 10 minutes to come back.
  • Spawning cannons in grounds that cover the cannon, and therefore don't show its direction, is called 'hide' and is forbidden. Hide x3 = Point to the opponent.
  • Using totem is forbidden. Totem x1 = Point to the opponent, although using a totem that doesn't affect the gameplay at all probably won't get you punished.
  • After long discussions with some of the most influential players of survivor and after a successful poll made in order to adress the problem of ''dirty heavy combos'', a new rule has been established: players can jump on combos that involve 2 static cannons: and
Rank Rules
  • If a ranked player refuses pvp's for 1 week, they are removed from the ranking.
  • You have to be at least 4th (fourth) place to be able to take 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.
  • Being afk too much ingame without giving proper excuses is considered avoiding to do pvp's and will attract further sanctions if done excessively.
  • Players from countries that have a ranking cannot enter another country's ranking. If a player's country doesn't a ranking or even server, the player can only join the EN ranking, unless he knows a language of the other countries with rankings.
  • Disobeying rules can attract warnings, in-game sanctions (point to the opponent, loss of the match) and/or being banned from the rankings. Things that you can get banned from the ranking for: 1) Hack (360 hours if done once, 720 hours if done twice and permanent ban if done three times); 2) An irresponsible/bad behaviour (including disrespect to other players or judges) and lying or cheating about pvp scores (including faking printscreens or editing them). Depending on the situation, the sanctions for this range from a warning to being banned from the ranking for 72 hours); 3) Excessive disobeying of the in-game rules. While most of the game rules don't get you banned from the ranking when disobeyed once or twice, disobeying them excessively (4-10 times depending on the situation) can; 4) Bug and/or intentional lag (not punishable by a ban from the rankings if you do it once, but repeating it can get you banned from the ranking for up to 720 hours). We only ban players when we see what they did with our eyes. If you think a player deserves to be banned from the ranking, don't hesitate to contact us (information about how to contact us at the Contato tab). Don't forget to take screen-prints or even videos as proof, as we won't do anything without proof.
  • To enter the ranking of a country (or reach a better place in that ranking) you have to: 1) be from that country, with an exception which is presented at the 4th Rank Rule; 2) win a 1v1 pvp match against a player from that ranking (a player on a better place than yours); 3) have proof of your victory (this isn't necessary as long as you have a judge, as the judge is the witness of your victory, but it is better to take a screen print as proof just in case). Also, don't forget about the 2nd Rank Rule, that is related to this.
  • A player can be in the global ranking without being in his country's ranking (or alternatively, a player can be on a better place than another player in the global ranking and on a worse place in their country's ranking).
  • Alts (accounts that were created less than 1 month earlier than the moment considered) are forbidden. If a ranked player changes his/her main account, he/she must inform the representative of his/her server. If a player's main account is banned from Transformice and the player wants to get ranked on an alt, he must say his main account and then prove that it is him.
  • For any problem, constructive criticism, piece of advice, complaint, question, or literally anything you want to tell us, don't hesitate to contact us (the admins of the rankings are presented at the Contato tab).
Tribe Rank Rules
  • Each tribe must have an official team of 5 (3 starting players and 2 substitutes).
  • All ranked tribe wars must have at least one judge.
  • For a tribe to enter the tribe rank (or to reach a better place in that ranking) it is required: 1) to obey the 1st Tribe Rank Rule; 2) to have won a ranked tribe war against a tribe that is placed higher than them with an official judge in the room.
  • Keep in mind that ranked tribe wars must be 3v3, while tribe wars that are 2v2 aren't considered for the tribe rank.


